
We want for every believer to feel that they can participate in our prayer room.

We believe that the Lord is raising up people with a passion for Jesus who see the value in and desire to give of themselves in the place of prayer. For some the call will be simply a stirring to seek after greater intimacy with Jesus whilst others may feel called to sacrifice their lives on the altar before the Lord as an intercessory missionary.

There are FOUR ways to get
involved in what we do at MHOP.

Come to the prayer room! It's as simple as just coming and engaging however you feel comfortable, be that sitting doing a bible study, engaging with the intercession whilst pacing the room or by praying on the mic during a time of rapid fire prayer. All our prayerwatches are open meetings and you are free to arrive and leave during any point of the meetings. Stay as long as you want or just come for a few minutes!


Serve on a team. We would love for you to serve in the prayer room. If you would like to commit to serving at least once a month as a worship leader, singer, musician, prayer leader or running sound then we'd love to hear from you! Fill out our Team Availability Form and we'll be in touch. Part of the commitment for serving on a team is that you come to at least one 2 hour set for each one you serve in and that you attend a termly team meeting.


Join us for the Abide Internship. Abide is our 4 month, part-time internship, designed to prepare you as an intercessor, worshiper, messenger, singer, and/or musician for the growing worship, prayer, and missions movement throughout the nations of the earth.


Become a Prayer Room Builder. Prayer Room Builders help us build the house of prayer by volunteering a day a week or more, serving on team, helping with various areas of ministry within the MHOP but most importantly by being intercessors in the room, as watchmen set on the walls.